Tuesday, December 21, 2010

5 Ways To Save Laptop Battery Use

How to save laptop battery? That was the problem and that's what I will discuss this time. There are 5 tips on how to care for laptop batteries which I will describe below. Conserve the use of laptop batteries is a demand for those who appreciate efficiency.

1. Manage Power Consumption. One thing you can do is to access and set the power management options in Windows. For Windows XP users, simply click on Start and select Control Panel. Click Performance and Maintenance and then Power Options. You will find many power management schemes here, please choose the one that works best for you.

2. Hibernate or Standby Mode. If possible, try to adjust your laptop to a position Hibernation Standby Mode instead. Hibernation is a facility whereby when you put off work and resting the computer then when your computer re-use of this facility will restore your original keposisi. Standby mode Mode is faster but restart consume more power.

3. Make just one job at the same time. Believe it or not, if you open several programs at the same time will make the CPU more busy and will take up more battery power source. Try to use just one program on one occasion. Close one of the program before you move to the next program.

4. Turn off the Wireless Networking. Another problem which often consume electricity in your laptop and you do not realize is that your WiFi connection. Try to disable this if you are not using your wireless connection. I also mention this tip here, because this is one of the best ways to save for a laptop. Why? When you run a wifi it will always happen the communication between your laptop with wifi and it is very resource consuming laptop. That is also why it is highly recommended to turn off your HP at a location where there is no signal because it will make HP so hot and can damage the HP.

5. Lower Display Brightness. Indeed, if the screen is very bright as possible from one side is good because the picture is very clear, but remember that the more light will get to spend a laptop screen battery resources. So should lower the display brightness of your laptop and your laptop battery will last.


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